Monday, May 17, 2010

I participated in a competition organized by-Icsid – International Council of Societies of Industrial Design .  Participants were required to design a poster of size 70 X 100 cm ( less than 5 MB ) on the theme -Industrial Design: Humane solutions for a resilient world.

I submitted the following entry-

My brief for my design was as follows-

Industrial Design happens to be field explored by homo‐sapiens to make their llives more comfortable and objects which they use more functional, efficient, ergonomically sound and of course aesthetically appealing. This is a field where human with various expertise ( viz. science, art, engineering, design, sociology, etc) come together for a common sake of fellow human beings.
The visual, inspired by Ouroboros, represents the cyclic and non‐extinguishable relationship between human and various forms of learning. Human acquire some knowledge, put it to application for their benefit and then acquire more knowledge. This continues as a never ending process.
I have basically worked with 2 colors –
1) Shade of BROWN ‐ to depict human beings
2) Shade of Green – to depict the green revolution in contemporary times and the shift in  mindset towards the eco‐friendly and sustainable designs.
This installation was accomplished using webcams,projectors,and LDRs. The motion was detected using LDRs and then drawing projections were made corresponding to the motion, on the canvas. The drawings are made in flash and represent Goan architecture. The softwares used are Flash and Visual Basic. 

We are having a course named CRAFTS. In this course we r expected to have a "hands on experience" of various materials.We were required to select different materials and then explore them. I chose fabrics.I was assigned to make a cricket bat for children using fabrics. I tried many fabrics,many methods. In the process I learned BRAIDING technique from Mr. Vivekanad, (M.Des. from IDC, IIT B ).

The process left me with bruised fingers and hands, but the end result was pleasant. After braiding, I cross-stitched 9-columns of the twisted-cotton fabric. I also put a bamboo stick running through the handle into the body to give it strength.

The bat was sturdy enough hit a ball.

I got a chance to participate in an international workshop organized by IDC, IIT Mumbai. It was titled "In a Planet of our own", dated 3,4,5 November,2009. Entry was through competition in which participants were required to design anything in a circle of diameter 1200 px.
Following was my entry- 

Here's a small explanation of what I designed -

I have tried to depict the concept of Sustainability through the chinese symbol of Yin-Yan.Yin-Yan is the symbol of balance between the positive and negative energies in the cosmos. Nature also works on this principle. The destructive processes are counter balanced by perpetual creative processes.But nowadays, due to humans’ indiscriminate use of resources and everincreasing exploitation of Nature, the balance is disturbed. The malignity of human acts is overshadowing the purity of Nature. In such a scenario, Mother Nature can do nothing, but to regret of her own fate and helplessly see her own sons, exploiting her.

In the workshop we were divided in groups dealing with sustainability issues in different areas-
  1. Trash and Consequences Principles
  2. Water and Sustainability
  3. Sustainability and Indigenous Cultures
  4. Sustainable packaging
  5. Innovation and Sustainability
  6. Materials and Sustainability
  7. Sustainability Principles
  8. Product Sustainability
I was in the group " Product Sustainability".
We had to come up with a product/presentation at the end of day 3. We had to deal with the sustainability issues of food. I worked on the redesign of "Gujia", a sweet/food prepared during the festival of HOLI. I prepared a poster to be dispalyed -


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