Sunday, August 15, 2010

I wanted to do something with technology which is simple but pleasing to look at. At present, monsoon is going on and rain is everywhere. The situation instigated me to use an UMBRELLA which was absolutely in context to the present scenario.

I focused on the following factors-

  • To make the umbrella look like floating with no visible support
  • To make the light soothing and not harsh
  • To make the installation water-proof
Using PIR sensors, simple CFL light and some common sense I came up with the following result.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I was studying the properties of light viz. refraction, reflection, diffusion etc. An idea struck me ! I bought some cheap laser lights (just Rs 20/-) and started experimenting ( read painting ). Some fabulous 2d forms were created and I could not resist myself from clicking them.

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